Kevin Sturm


Kevin Sturm


Kevin Sturm

Business and Executive Coach

The task of leadership is not to put greatness into humanity, but to elicit it, for the greatness is already there."

--John Buchan

Kevin is an accomplished executive who has been leading business transformations for over 30 years. During that period, he has grown start-up businesses, turned around moribund operations, resurrected failing programs, and completely transformed the culture at each stop in his career. Kevin has led operations organizations for telecommunications, medical device, and IT Consulting companies with responsibility for P&L ranging from $5m to $50m and has been able to achieve world-class results by focusing on 3 main priorities:

  • Attracting, developing, and retaining employees who are empowered and engaged
  • Creating customer advocates
  • Imbedding a continuous improvement culture and creating high-performing teams

As a leader, Kevin was always first and foremost a coach. He believes that everyone can be a leader and that the primary responsibility of a leader is to develop future leaders. He was exposed to sports and coaching from an early age by his father, a high school basketball, track, and cross-country coach. Over the past 20 years, Kevin has coached over 80 seasons of youth soccer, basketball, baseball, swimming, and track, while his five children were actively participating. Much of his leadership philosophy is rooted in his sports background and he has capitalized on that to develop leaders and build high-performing teams that consistently deliver exceptional results throughout his career

Kevin will position your company to make the impact they strive for by helping leaders clarify their goals, hone their craft, and deliver results previously not thought possible. He will help you harness the collective energies of your team, turn customers into raving fans who purchase again and again, foster the growth of leadership throughout the organization, and position you to achieve sustained, exceptional performance while giving you back the balance that you desire and deserve.

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